Peterson’s house of horrors and whatever is hiding below ground. Hello Neighbour 2, much like the original, circulates around Mr. While this stealth horror turned detective novella retains much of the energy of the original, the idyllic and kind of creepy cul-de-sacs of this location are expanded to give number 2 a more expansive personality than the first time around. This small town Missouri backdrop returns, but on a much grander scale. Much like the original, Hello Neighbour 2 takes place in the sleepy homestead of Raven Brooks. There’s something darker going on and this sequel to the 2017 original aims to make you firmly forget about wassailing with the locals. The follow up to tinyBuild’s Hello Neighbour finds players back in the midst of curtain twitchers and suburban secrets, but it’s got nothing to do with next door’s prize flower bed. Hello Neighbour 2 is a little of all these. Hello Neighbor 2 Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl There are some neighborhoods you can’t wait to spend your weekend in, some that come with their own undesirables, and others still that feel like something of a fixer-upper. Hello Neighbor 2 Switch NSP Free Download Unfitgirl